Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression


About 'Help-For'

Help-For was set up in Dec 2000 by Terry Dixon (after obtaining a degree in Psychology but unable to follow clinical psychology training because of family commitments) to help increase awareness about anxiety disorders and depression.

Initially a bare bones website, people were so interested in the information it provided that a booklet 'UNDERSTANDING CONTROL AND CHANGE', was produced and distributed by Help-For. It sold tens of thousands of physical copies and changed many people's lives.

The booklet was based on a couple of chapters of a then planned book 'EVOLVING SELF CONFIDENCE', which was eventually released in 2008 after taking 10 years to write.

Written, published and distributed by Help-For, 'EVOLVING SELF CONFIDENCE' offers a totally new way to understand (and deal with) severe anxiety-related problems and has helped thousands and thousands of people often when nothing else could.

The information on this website and in the books is based on over thirty years experience and research involving anxiety disorders, depression, psychoanalytic and behaviour therapy, relaxation and hypnotherapy.      (Help-For's philosophy)

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Contact Us

In the first instance, please contact 'Help-For' by email, using:-


For comments/questions about the website or books, use:


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Important Notice

The information on this website is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis nor to be taken as a substitute for good individual personal professional medical attention. The only intent of the author is to offer information to help you in your quest for well-being and no responsibility can be taken by 'Help-For' for the way this information is used.
It is strongly recommended that anyone who is thinking, feeling or behaving in a way that they don't understand, any way that is causing pain or unhappiness, should consult a medical professional and that a medical doctor should always be consulted for any persistent physical or bodily function problem, in the first instance, to rule out possible physical causes before psychological reasons are explored. And that, under no circumstances, should anybody stop taking prescribed medication without fully qualified medical supervision.

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'Help-For' do not use cookies – there are no cookies on the website. There are also no adverts. We do not collect or store any information about you or your use of this website.      (Legal Notices)

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Help-For... Increasing awareness about anxiety disorders and depression.

"With insight comes understanding and through understanding comes healing."

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